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Masaaki Noda
With “Derivation” 216×14 5cm
Mixed Media on Canvas 1989
Photo: Tokio Ito

Welcome to Masaaki Noda’s Official Website


Masaaki Noda, The Arc of My Life in Art [Catalogue], 2022 Nariwa Museum, Takahashi City Japan. 223 pages. 10 x 7.25 x .75 in, 25.7 x 18 cm. ISBN 978-4-9904947-6-6. . Color Photographs. Published by Nariwa Museum and Masaaki Noda, November 2023.


Just Released!!!

Nariwa Museum and Masaaki Noda Release Catalogue – Masaaki Noda The Arc of My Life in Art, 2022 Nariwa Museum, Takahashi City, Japan. 223 pages.  Color Photographs. Published by Nariwa Museum and Masaaki Noda, November 2023.

Available at OnLine Store

October 27, 2023 

Hellenic Republic Awards Awards Masaaki Noda the Golden Cross of the Order of Honour

It is conferred by the Greek government upon “Greek citizens who are distinguished in struggles for the Fatherland, to senior executives of the public administration, to eminent personalities of the arts and letters as well as to distinguished scientists or individuals who excelled in the field of trade, shipping and industry. It is also conferred upon foreigners who, due to their distinguished position and through their personal worth, have contributed to the promotion of Greece.

October 27,  2023

Mr. Masaaki NODA, distinguished artist, awarded the Golden Cross of the Order of Honour in recognition of his contribution to the development of cultural contacts between Japan and Greece through his active involvement with Greek themes and Greek mythology.



美術作家 野田正明氏



Η Πρεσβεία της Ελλάδος στην Ιαπωνία, με ιδιαίτερη ικανοποίηση, ανακοινώνει την απονομή τιμητικών διακρίσεων από την Α.Ε. την Πρόεδρο της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας κυρία Κατερίνα Σακελλαροπούλου στους ακόλουθους Ιάπωνες πολίτες:

στον κ. Masaaki NODA, διακεκριμένο ζωγράφο και γλύπτη, στον οποίο απονέμεται ο Χρυσούς Σταυρός του Τάγματος της Τιμής, ως αναγνώριση της συνεισφοράς του στην ανάπτυξη πολιτιστικών επαφών Ιαπωνίας-Ελλάδος, μέσω της ενεργού ενασχόλησής του με ελληνικά θέματα και την ελληνική μυθολογία.

Η επίδοση των διασήμων των ανωτέρω τιμητικών διακρίσεων θα γίνει σε τελετή στην Ελληνική Πρεσβευτική Κατοικία, την Παρασκευή 27 Οκτωβρίου.



Recent Events:

“Masaaki Noda The Arc of My Life in Art: 50 Years — From New York to the World”

September 17, 2022 to December 18, 2022
Nariwa Museum, Takahashi, Okayama Prefecture
Museum Design: Tadao Ando

The triumph of Noda’s forms, whether in two or three dimensions, is that they seem simultaneously efficient and impulsive—outwardly swift and inwardly driven.

They seem to pare pure form down to a necessary minimum and to concentrate expressive power in a singular movement.

They are at once sweeping and balanced. Most crucially, they convey a sense of cosmic movement—the dynamic of the infinite, as it were,

suggestive of spiritual aspiration.

Works on Exhibit

More Information

MIND BEYOND AT HORKOS CORP. Unveiling May 20, 2022



Stainless Steel Sculpture Suspended – Mind Beyond
500 x 260 x 260 cm
Horkos Corp. ホーコス株式会社
Fukuyama Citu, Hiroshima, Japan
On the Occasion of the Dedication of the new HORKOS CORP. Headquarters, May 20, 2022
A Model of this sculpture is included in the Nariwa Exhibition.


ステンレス・スチール, , 500 x 260 x 260 cm
福山市, 広島県,

Masakki Noda and Horkas Corp. discussed the creation of “Mind Beyond” over a ten year period. On May 20, 2022, the sculpture was unveiled in the the company’s new building in Fukuyama City.

The sculpture was manufactured by Noda Manufacturing Company.