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Noda Catalogue The Arc of My Life in Art Nariwa Museum 2022-2023


    Catalogue – Masaaki Noda The Arc of My Life in Art, 2022 Nariwa Museum, Takahashi City Japan. 223 pages. 10 x 7.25 x .75 in, 25.7 x 18 cm. ISBN 978-4-9904947-6-6.  Color Photographs. Published by Nariwa Museum and Masaaki Noda, November 2023.

    Available at OnLine Store

    Catalogue of  Masaaki Noda Exhibition at the Nariwa Museum, Takahashi City Japan, Fall, 2022, together with essays and a 50 year retrospective of the works of artist Noda including photographs of the stunning Nariwa Museum designed by Japanese architect Ando Tadao, with Noda sculpture interacting with the architecture. The retrospective includes art from his early years in Fukuyama and then to his move to New York City where he attended the Art Students League, and then his transition  to  sculptor  of his large stainless steel sculptures and smaller granite and steel sculptures.

    The catalog includes photos of Noda’s sculptures installed since 1982 in many countries. 

    Included in the catalogue are essays by:

    Sawahara Kazushi, Director, Nariwa Museum, Takahashi City (For the Masaaki Noda Exhibition).
    Dimitris Caramitsos-Tziras Ambassador of Greece to Japan (A Contemporary Journey Linking Two Old Cultures).
    Eleanor Heartney, Contributing Editor to Art in America and Art Press (Testing the Limits of Art: The Far Seeing Work of Masaaki Noda).
    Katsunobu Omae, Curator, Fukuyama Museum of Art (On Masaaki Noda’s Sculptures and Lafcadio Hearn’s Spirit of Coexistence).

    Images of  Public Noda  Sculptures in Japan (Tokyo, Matsue, Fukuyama, Osaka), China, Mongolia, and Greece (Delphi, Marathon, Athens, Lefkada).

    Exhibition Photographs. The exhibit included models of some of his public sculptures.

    Photos illustrating fabrication of stainless steel sculptures. 

    Retrospective of 50 years of Noda’s Art.




    戸外の彫刻を含めて9点の彫刻作品は、成羽美術館の安藤忠雄建築の空間 によくマッチして素晴らしい緊張感を与えています。安藤建築は光の美しさをその 一つの特徴としていますが、まさに朝に光、夕べの光と時々刻々の光の変化に彫
    刻作品が素晴らしい姿を見せてくれています。 野田さんがこの度の展覧会で安藤建築とのコラボレーションを狙いたいと言 われていた通りの効果を表しています。  特に戸外の流水の庭のほとりに設置されたステンレス彫刻の大作「進歩と革
    新」は、背景の山の緑や秋の紅葉を写し込み自然と建築との素晴らしい調和の 世界を現出しています。

    澤原一志 高梁市成羽美術館館長

    “All the works matched the spaces created by the building’s famed Japanese architect Ando Tadao , creating wonderful tensions. Mr. Ando is famous for the use of light in his architecture. Mr. Noda’s nine sculptures in the exhibition reflected the changing light, from morning to evening. … Mr. Ando designed a water garden as an homage to Monet’s “Garden of Water Lilies;”which we named the “Garden of Quiet Waters.” Here, we installed Noda’s large stainless steel sculpture “Evolution and Innovation.” Flowing water,beautifully harmonized with the changing seasons and weather … red and green leaves reacting in the water mingling with reflection of the sculpture.”

    Sawahara Kazushi Director, Nariwa Museum, Takahashi City.